I had the chance to take some Christmas pictures of two beautiful little girls named Gabby (older) and Olivia (younger). We had a lot of fun taking the pictures and had very little problems with cooperation. There were a few minutes when I quickly found out which of the girls had not had a nap that day! But in result I really feel like I captured the moment with that.
After the Christmas pictures we switched holidays and did their pictures in their Halloween outfits. Gabby was a spitting image of Madeline and Olivia was Jo Jo the Clown!

The more I get to spend time with children and take photographs of them, the more it fills me with joy to be able to do what I want to do!
Mr. Brett
Mr. Brett..wow, these pictures are great! As the proud aunt of those two beautiful girls, I may be bias in saying the girls are the cutest, but as a new viewer of your site, your pictures are really amazing. The picture of Gabby...um, I mean Madeline is my favorite! You do a great job!
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